Saint-Valiere, France
Thomas Darnell
Thomas Darnell resides in the south of France with his wife and their two children. He was born and raised in central Texas, where he graduated with high honors from the University of Texas. Darnell’s work has been vastly recognized and exhibited in major cities around the world. He uses a technique that involves multiple layers of transparent oil paints and alkyd resins to build up visual detail and contrast with each pass.
Thomas was drawn to the art world as early as age 12, but it wasn’t until he was 34, when his late wife passed away from cancer, that he decided to pursue art as a career. This tragic event was the catalyst for his move to France, where he embraced the process of his true calling.
Darnell met his current wife, Nicole, in 1993, and they moved to the south of France shortly afterward. Darnell’s desire to have a family has kept him grounded. He states, “Instead of holding me back, I think I have actually worked harder (in order to provide) than I would have on my own.” They live in the vineyards on the edge of a small village, in an old stone barn that they have renovated into a home and studio space.
Inspired by the natural beauty around him, as well as the inspiration he derives from family and friends, Darnell translates this beauty into paintings with “soothing vibes.” His technique, when used in his Peonies paintings, creates a realistic portrayal of flowers and displays crisp details. These paintings are stunning replications of flowers and convey a style and beauty that is unique to Darnell’s work.
Website: https://www.thomasdarnellprints.com